
What's that you say? You don't know Calvin and Hobbes? Hmph. Wonder how you found this site then. Oh FINE, I'll tell you. Calvin and Hobbes were a great cartoon duo lasting a decade from 1985 to 1995, and published 18 books. Calvin is the six-year old boy who talks like a grown man, and always gets into trouble.
His partner, Hobbes, is a stuffed tiger, who Calvin ALWAYS carries around. But to Calvin, it's no stuffed tiger. It's his best friend. Calvin's parents are like every family--loving, but get agonized by the kid's antics. Susie is the next-door neighbour, who, to Calvin, is a pest. After all, do you think his club G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) would've started without her? Nope, probably not. Moe, is well, the jerk. 'Nuff said. And you can't forget all the other ones, the disappeared Uncle Max, who appeared only for a week in the funnies, the TV, the monsters under the bed, always scaring Calvin and Hobbes, the bike, who is always attacking Calvin, and much, much more. Understand Calvin and Hobbes a little better? GOOD! I thought you would.
Happy birthday!
%516 %20, %2010
Today is the 7th anniversary of Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page! Wow, has it really been that long?
Posted at %0:%Aug
"If people could put rainbows in zoos, they'd do it."
%006 %31, %2010
Welcome back! After 2 months(!) of downtime, the site is finally hosted on a new address: http://picpak.net/calvin/. This should finally fix all the bandwidth problems. Take care!
Posted at %0:%Jul
"The good thing about drawing a tiger is that it automatically makes your picture fine art."
Read older news
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%491 %18, %2009
It's that time again! Happy 24th birthday, Calvin and Hobbes!
Posted at %0:%Nov