Guest Strip by Tom Falco: Color

Today's comic is by Tom Falco of Tomversation! In his own words:
Today's guest strip is by Tom Falco who does the Tomversation ( daily comic panel. Jacomo, the mole, shown here, is one of the main characters. Tom does the strip mostly black and white and there is usually a spirt of color on an item or two in each day's panel, hence the black and white theme of today's guest strip since Jacomo has only been seen in black and white!
Actually Tom, Picpak comics were originally black and white for the first few years it was online. However, I love the Doctor Who reference! Plus you did an amazing job drawing Picpak too. If I didn't know better I'd swear I drew it myself! Great job Tom!

3 thoughts on “Guest Strip by Tom Falco: Color

  1. Who needs color with great lines like that? Well done, Tom! It’s fun to see his take on Picpak, Kim!

  2. Rick Ross ‘s “Stay Schemin'” booms through the wide expanse of King of Diamonds, a massive strip club bordering I-95 near Miami Gardens. The acrid aroma of California medical-grade chronic mixes with the sweet scent of designer perfume, while a boisterous crowd of a thousand watches two burly African-American women pummel each other in a boxing ring. Dollars flutter to the ground everywhere, accumulating like puddles in a rainstorm. There are so many loose bills that floor hosts — nattily dressed in black slacks, white dress shirts, and bow ties — sweep up cash with push brooms. Even the ring is littered with dollars, which the winner of the amateur boxing bout gets to keep.

    1. Y’know, I had a dream once that was just like this.

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