Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/picpakne/public_html/wp-content/themes/toocheke/inc/toocheke-functions.php on line 1224

Warning: Attempt to read property "term_id" on null in /home/picpakne/public_html/wp-content/themes/toocheke/inc/toocheke-functions.php on line 1237

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Warning: Attempt to read property "term_id" on null in /home/picpakne/public_html/wp-content/themes/toocheke/inc/toocheke-functions.php on line 1237

Around the World in Seven Strips: Part 1

Hi everyone! Yes, Picpak is going on vacation -- Picpak style! He'll be joining his brother Scraps in helium-inflated adventures (which, if you follow me on Twitter you would know I've owed some inflation-themed strips for nearly a month now XD) as he travels throughout the world for the next seven strips! And yes, Way Back Wednesday will still be on break during this. I hope you all enjoy it!

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