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Fan Art by Dawn Griffin

You may remember a couple years back when I did a piece of fan art of my characters dressed as the alien dogs from Dawn's comic Zorphbert and Fred. Well, here she is to return the favour! (Even though one of them already is a dog...err, an alien dog...try not to overthink it, alright?)Coincidentally enough, Dawn's own Kickstarter launchetoday, where you can own some adorable plushies! I also recently drew her characters in Canada as part of her webcomic's "World Tour". Sadly, her comic comes to an end on July 31...but hopefully she'll continue to give us great artwork like this for many years to come! Thanks Dawn!

2 thoughts on “Fan Art by Dawn Griffin

  1. thanks for the kind words and for promoting the kickstarter! happy to see all the #PickPakDay fanart you got!

    1. Thanks Dawn! Glad to have you take part!

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