Counting Sheep

Welcome to this week's Way Back Wednesday!This comic was originally posted February 13, 2008.I've all but abandoned the "Picpak is fat" comics, but I found this one worked on a different level. I guess it's true what they say...white sheep can't jump!

5 thoughts on “Counting Sheep

  1. Why have you abandoned the โ€œPicpak is fatโ€ comics?

    1. It’s been done to death by plenty of comics and there’s enough gluttony on the funny pages as it is. I’d rather do comics that are less mean-spirited.

  2. Next time try the “Ba, Ba, Black Sheep”! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. I think you have answered an age old question with this comic!! Very sad for those millions of sheep though. ๐Ÿ™

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