
Welcome to this week's Way Back Wednesday!This comic was originally posted January 28, 2008.What a wacky way to kick off October! Picpak's goofy expressions in the original comic were what inspired me to draw this. They're even funnier than the comic itself. In case you've been living under a rock, you might not know I did fan art for both Zorphbert and Fred and Team Stryker this past week. I put a lot of work into them, so be sure to check them out!You may also remember the animation Kickstarter I was talking about earlier. Jon and I have been making progress on it and if all goes well, we may be starting in the not too distant future. And one more thing: Happy 63rd birthday, Peanuts!

3 thoughts on “Grapefruit

  1. This comic really made me laugh out loud. Now I’m curious to know what salt and grapefruit taste like together…

  2. LOL, he wouldn’t have been in trouble if someone switched the labels! 🙂

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