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Fan Art by Rich Lauzon

I know I've tweeted/Facebooked about this one ever since I got it, but it just simply blows me away! I've always wanted to see Picpak done in a professional CGI manner, and this is the next best thing next to hiring a DreamWorks animator. The style really reminds me of the upcoming Peanuts movie. Who knows? Maybe a Picpak movie isn't so far-fetched after all!Rich Lauzon is to thank for this beautiful masterpiece. You can view more of his work at his comic Space Pest Removal. Cheers!

2 thoughts on “Fan Art by Rich Lauzon

  1. I love Rich’s style. Very animated.

  2. Why, thank you very much, PJ! I am glad to have been part of this fun event. Congrats!!

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