90sRiffic is a new blog I created from an idea I’d been thinking about for some time. It’s a blog that revolves all around 90’s cartoons. It’ll feature some of my personal favourites, some forgotten gems, and rarely seen footage. So when you have a moment, be sure to check it out and bask in its nostalgia it will (soon) be offering!

Today I’ve got a piece of fan art for you from someone named Euler from Spain. I definitely love the style in this one. Check out his blog and comics at http://www.eulerhumor.com/EN/!

Holy overhaul, Batman! Welcome to this site’s first redesign in over two years. With the new 3-column layout, the comics have a lot more breathing room…which means larger-sized comics will be coming up. If you’re using Adblock, you’ll see that there’s a large red space where the ad’s supposed to go. You could argue it looks better than an ad, but there it is. It’s a major change that might take some getting used to, but I for one love it.


I just finished (my first!) interview with A. M. Frasier, creator of the webcomic the MeltedPOT. If you’re a Google+ member, you can read the article here. If not, I’ve posted it here for you to read below:

The MeltedPOT presents G+SPOTlight conversation #3
on +Kim Belding the Author and illustrator of Picpak Dog. Kim is an animator residing in Canada. His strip has provided me with some good chuckles.

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Picpak Dog in: “Feelin’ Groovy” is an animated short film made for my final year in college. It stars Picpak himself as he sings with the trees, cars and lampposts along to “Feelin’ Groovy” by Harpers Bizarre. Enjoy!

I’m here to inform you of something few people know about. The Saskatchewan government has opted to cut its Film Tax Credit. It’s a decision that could ultimately kill our film, TV and digital media industry. But you can help.

If you are in the Saskatoon area, petitions are being handed out each night at the Broadway Theatre, as well as at the Zombie Walk on May 5. On May 14, there is also a “Culture Cruise – in support of Saskatchewan film, TV and digital media”, starring Kim Coates of Sons of Anarchy. It starts at 7:30 AM at the Kinsmen Park, and makes its way down to Regina later in the day.

If you aren’t in the Saskatoon area, you can also sign this online petition; over 8000 signed and counting. We let rock ‘n’ roll die, let’s not do the same to our culture. Get out there and make your voice heard!