
2 thoughts on “Liberty

  1. Haa!… Haa!… Exactly my sentiments! (No offense to anybody, but) America is becoming more like this by the hour. We have officials neglecting what the “Free Man” has to say because [the officials] have their opinion and way more power! I’ve long thought that the American government (I’m an American citizen for the record) was in need of an overhaul. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the people we put into office only have the lobbyists’ interests at heart. “I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the Corporate States of America. And to the Republicans for which it stands, one nation, easily divisible, with liberty and justice for oil” Back on topic though, a large organization with no focus is going to quickly divide into smaller ones that have it. The greatest amongst those smaller factions is either going to be crushed, or start gaining traction, possibly even absorbing the others. I’ve never heard of any movement being great by running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. No, the organizations behind any great movements were focused, knew what they wanted, and how to get it. The people who are behind Linux seem to lack that vision.

    1. I can’t believe I almost let this one through the spam filter. This is a gem for the ages.

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