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From the Desk of Kim Belding

The Picpak Dog Collection 2 Is Out!

The long-awaited sequel to The Picpak Dog Collection is finally here! At 108 pages, it includes strips from June to November 2010. It also features a foreward by George Ford of “Addanac City“, the introduction of Picpak’s parents, and rough stills from the upcoming short film “Picpak Dog in: Feelin’ Groovy“. It’s only here, and it’s only $14.95 + shipping!ORDER FROM AMAZON.COM

Mentor Experiment @ PC Weenies

PC Weenies is picking two people to help mentor through drawing. But that’s not the part I’m involved in. They also have an assignment that involves drawing a full-body heavy-set, but tall male with the expressions of sleeping, happiness and anger. It sounded fun enough, so I joined in. Here’s my drawings: Be sure to check out what everyone else is doing in the comments section, or make your own!


The other day I got to teach Art class at my old school. I made a presentation showing them my comics, animations, books and portfolio. I drew Garfield and Odie on the board and then taught them all how to draw Picpak! Everyone drew one, but these are the two I got to keep. It was a great day and we all had a lot of fun! It was a blast to do and I thank my teacher Mr. Wicks for giving me the opportunity.

The Picpak Dog Store!

The Picpak Dog Store is now open for business! Right now the selection is lacking, but there’ll be more to come after I think of ideas for it.Also, don’t forget to stumble (aka, the social networking site I forgot existed until they e-mailed me about it)! You can do that using the handy “Share” button under each comic. I risk breaking my site each time I update their plug-in anyway, so go ahead and try it if you like what you see. Thank you!


So now that I’m discharged from the hospital, I’m able to update my strips again. And because Google loves me, they’ve given me $100 for money to use on ads, which explains their ads now appearing over top of the comics. Also, I’ve stuck on Formspring, the least used social site in the world, so that you can ask me any question you may have. Go ahead! Ask away! I’m ready and willing to answer.

I’m still here!

Sorry for the sudden hiatus, but it’s not my fault.  Things have gotten in the way that are out of my control, mostly involving health issues. I’m deeply sorry that I haven’t been able to deliver you my comics as I promised, but I’m recovering in the hospital and have very limited access to computers. Please try to understand and be patient.

Buy The Book!

Picpak Dog’s first published book, The Picpak Dog Collection, is here! At 96 pages, it features Picpak Dog’s first six months of strips since its move to picpak.net. And if that’s not enough, it also contains the Facebook fan page comics, rarely seen art, and unseen early sketches! It’s a must have for any Picpak Dog fan, and you can order it online for $14.95 + shipping. If you want, you can also buy the downloadable PDF for only $1.95, and keep it on your iPad, or whatever it is the cool kids do.You can purchase your copy today by clicking here.