A Little Less Conversation

Welcome to this week's Way Back...Whatever!Today's comic was originally posted June 6, 2009.Patreon-SupportI thought my arm was gonna fall off writing this.

5 thoughts on “A Little Less Conversation

  1. Hey! I resemble that remark!

  2. This is aimed towards me, isn’t it? I have been much more “wordy” as of late.

    1. lol, this isn’t aimed at anyone. I just thought it was funny.

  3. I agree. How about this as a comment. 🙂

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec commodo nisl, non blandit neque. Maecenas ullamcorper ligula risus, vitae tempor massa mollis nec. Mauris lacinia maximus tincidunt. Fusce rhoncus fringilla magna, eget elementum urna faucibus nec. Duis sagittis quis turpis id laoreet. Suspendisse lectus mauris, accumsan at urna vitae, vulputate blandit sapien. Proin rhoncus eros a tincidunt ullamcorper.

    Cras imperdiet augue ante, et laoreet ante sollicitudin quis. Nulla ac luctus nulla, quis tempus metus. Ut feugiat feugiat cursus. Mauris leo dolor, rutrum eget blandit at, ullamcorper a nisl. Maecenas pulvinar eros fringilla accumsan volutpat. Nulla consequat justo et enim scelerisque pulvinar. Ut consequat interdum purus, quis eleifend libero tincidunt accumsan. Donec vel bibendum sem. Phasellus odio nisi, ullamcorper eget sem a, eleifend maximus est.

    1. Wow! Pipe down there, windbag!

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