
It says on the Cast page that Picpak's favourite food is chocolate, but I've rarely drawn comics that show it. That's because I've debated whether a dog's favourite food should be something that actually kills him in real life. But, then I decided that given all the surreal wacky things that happen in this comic, a dog that eats chocolate is a drop in the bucket.

One thought on “Explode

  1. If your dog does eat chocolate, crunch some numbers before panicking. It does take a fair amount to cause even the minor symptoms, although it will rapidly escalate to being fatal. Roughly an ounce of dark chocolate per five pounds of dog will make them feel bad but the dog will probably be fine.

    So if Fido licks your chocolate bar while you’re out of the room, he’s fine but you need to be grounded for leaving it out!

    (also, why do you even have any chocolate left for Fido to get to?)

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