
It's that time of year again! The infamous Bearman makes an appearance in the final panel. Why, you ask? Every year he holds a charity fundraiser and donates his own money just for you taking part. For every cameo his character makes in a webcomic, he donates $10! According to him, an appearance can be as much as starring in the comic like mine, or even someone saying “Check out that bear, man!”. This is my third year participating, and so far he's donated $30 on my behalf. In the past 6 years, he has donated over $6000 of his own money to charity! Don't forget, there's ways you non-cartoonists can take part as well, and I suggest that all of you do in any way you can. For more information, be sure to check out his website at http://beartoons.com. Take care!

3 thoughts on “Pierce

  1. Woo hoo. Thanks so much Kim!! – Pierce

  2. Ha Ha!!! Great strip Kim for Pieces charity challenge

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