Dogs Can’t Spell

Ahoy, mateys! How was the trip? We're now hosted on! You may be wondering, why all the change? Well, after the myriad of problems I'd had from being on Comic Genesis for nearly three years, I decided to take matters into my own hands and get my own domain. On top of that, I also get to use ComicPress, which makes the whole uploading process a lot easier and sophisicated. To help ease the shift, I kept the design as true to the Comic Genesis original as possible. I hope you enjoy the change as much as I do; and if you don't, there's a shiny new forum and chatbox to complain on/give praise! Just a reminder to everyone who links to the old Comic Genesis address to update it to There's a bright future in store for 2010!PS: Sorry for the poor quality of the new banner image. That's a GIF for ya. It'll probably just be a placeholder for a new one.PPS: You can still check out the old Comic Genesis site at!

One thought on “Dogs Can’t Spell

  1. Nice work. Glad to see you finally made the jump. Congrats.

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