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From the Desk of Kim Belding
Crazy Cartoon Experiment 4
Jon Esparza recently held his fourth Crazy Cartoon Experiment! For those not in the know, the CCE revolves around a single idea that many cartoonists put their own take on. This time, it’s exploding underwear! I actually helped come up with it with Jon and had months ahead to plan it out. You can see my strip below:
Check out the other strips here! And of course check out Jon’s great cartoons at http://jonscrazystuff.blogspot.ca.

Picpak enrolls in Scaredemy!
If you don’t know, Jack Slade is the creator behind Scaredemy, one of the best-drawn comics on the web. His comic revolves around a boy named Simon who attends Scardemy, a school for monsters. He’s doing guest strips all month, and this time Picpak joins in the fun. This comic took me FOREVER to make, but it was worth it! Check out the comic below, and be sure to give Jack’s comic a try. Thanks!

Follow me on Instagram!
Ever wanted to look inside a sketchbook? Or see the drawings before they’re finalized? Now you can if you follow me on Instagram @picpakdog! It will be updated frequently with original sketches and rough art. Click the banner below to check it out!

A new year, a new demo reel!
It’s 2013, and it’s time my demo reel got a much needed makeover. It features traditional, Flash and 3D animation, along with designs I’ve made for school and work. In the description is a link to my resume, my short film and storyboards. I wanted to create something that both showed my talents and was entertaining. I’ve put a lot of work into this, so please watch and enjoy!

Cereal Box Design for Zorphbert and Fred
Hi everyone! This is my second fan art for Dawn Griffin’s Zorphbert and Fred. The challenge was to design a cereal box with her characters. I’d eat a bowl of Freddies anyday! Check out the artwork below. Visit Zorphbert and Fred at www.zfcomics.com!

Picpak Dog’s Anti-Bullying Day 2013 T-Shirt

You’ve Got Mail
Faithful reader and friend Jon Esparza sent me something in the mail recently. It’s a custom made “sketch card”, complete with drawings on the back featuring Picpak’s family. He also sent me a handwritten note all in thanks for drawing him a guest strip. Thanks, Jon! I owe ya one!

Mike and Mindy Fan Art
I’ve entered the Crazyverse! Check out the fan art I made for Jon Esparza’s third anniversary of his comic Mike and Mindy. He gave me two rules to follow: they don’t talk, and no bees. After he told me that, I knew I had to play off it somehow. Here it is:
Check out more of his work (and more fan art) here!

Zorphbert and Fred Fan Art
Check out the fan art I did for Dawn Griffin’s Zorphbert and Fred! The concept was to draw her characters as famous duos. While my duo isn’t exactly “famous”, they’re a duo nonetheless. Here’s Zorphbert and Fred as Picpak and Wakky:
Check out more of Dawn’s work at her website here!